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The Moral Aspect of a Protective Tariff, how it Helps the Wage Worker and Farmer: An Address... by Henry Walker, Ya Pamphlet C... ISBN: 9781113336941 List Price: $15.75
Slavery And Southern Methodism: Two Sermons Preached In The Methodist Church In Newman, Georgia by Caldwell, John H., YA Pamph... ISBN: 9781172722853 List Price: $18.75
The Nation's Sins And The Nation's Duty. A Sermon, Preached In The First Presbyterian Church... by Stewart, William B. (Willia... ISBN: 9781172496839 List Price: $14.75
Collegiate Education by Haddock, Charles B. (Charle... ISBN: 9781172469567 List Price: $14.75
An Address Of Charles Hudson, Of Mass. by Hudson, Charles, YA Pamphle... ISBN: 9781172233427 List Price: $14.75
The Universities And The Churches; An Address Delivered At The 31st University Convocation, ... by Ely, Richard T. (Richard Th... ISBN: 9781172223114 List Price: $14.75
The legislative career of Justin S. Morrill: an address delivered at New Haven, Connecticut,... by George Washington Atherton,... ISBN: 9781175602855 List Price: $15.75
How New York Is Governed Frauds of the Tammany Democrats by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781175706164 List Price: $14.75
Discourse on the Professional Character and Virtues of the Late William Wirt by Southard, Samuel L. 1787-18... ISBN: 9781176118744 List Price: $17.75
Ladder of Life by Sheehan, Thos. [From Old Ca... ISBN: 9781178818123 List Price: $17.75
Old and the New : A Sermon Containing the History of the First Unitarian Church in Washingto... by Conway, Moncure Daniel, YA ... ISBN: 9781173344030 List Price: $14.75
Argument, in Favor of the Constitutionality of the General Banking Law of This State, Delive... by Foot, Samuel Alfred, YA Pam... ISBN: 9781173613679 List Price: $19.75
Address on the Northwest, Before the American Geographical and Statistical Society, Delivere... by Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, YA ... ISBN: 9781174944727 List Price: $17.75
National Internal Revenue Taxation in Its Relations to Temperance and Prohibition by Armstrong, William Hamilton... ISBN: 9781175288264 List Price: $17.75
Exposure of the Malversations and Corruptions of the Executive Government and of Congress by Ya Pamphlet Collection (Lib... ISBN: 9781172059393 List Price: $14.75
Proceedings and Speeches at the Public Dinner Given to James W Gerard Esq , by the Bar of Ne... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection ISBN: 9781177181129 List Price: $17.75
Lecture on Failures in Teaching : Delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174902147 List Price: $15.75
Situation in Southeastern Europe an Address Delivered by Henry G Croker, at the Seventh Annu... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174941108 List Price: $15.75
American Citizen a Discourse on the Nature and Extent of Our Religious Subjection to the Gov... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175011824 List Price: $16.75
Statement of the Relations of Rufus W Griswold with Charlotte Myers Elizabeth F Ellet, Ann S... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174963056 List Price: $15.75
Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Prose and Verse by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781174960321 List Price: $43.75
Georgi : From the immigrant settler's stand-point. Giving the results of the experience of a... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175151544 List Price: $17.75
Punishment of Treason : A discourse preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Presbyterian Chur... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175330529 List Price: $16.75
Spirituality and Independence of the Church : A speech delivered in the Synod of New York, O... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175361998 List Price: $17.75
Speech of Hon John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, Delivered at Toledo, Monday, August 2... by Dlc, Ya Pamphlet Collection... ISBN: 9781175362148 List Price: $15.75
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